Sunday, March 6, 2011

AES ECB basic implementation

The AES algorithm can be implemented following strictly the AES round steps described in my previous post or by using pre-computed lookup tables. This post describes an AES implementation which follows the AES round steps and is based on existing source code developed by karl malbrain. It is written in a very modular way, making it ideal to get to know the algorithm without getting confused by the usage of look up tables. However, this version is aimed to understand the process and has no focus at all in performance optimization. As well the implementation is used to have a starting point to demonstrate how different levels of performance benefits can be achieved by using a modified version of the algorithm. From now on we will refer to this version as AES-B which stands for AES Basic implementation.

Let’s first describe a high level pseudo code of the algorithm:

- Generate AES expanded key
- XOR input data with encryption key
- For Rounds = 1 To NrRounds
- - SubBytes operation
- - ShifRows operations
- - If Rounds < NrRounds
- - - MixColumns Operation
- - XOR with round key k[Rounds]
- copy result to output

As we can see on the previous pseudo code the AES-B algorithm follows the AES round steps described. This makes it easier to understand its functionality. First, we generate the expanded key or key schedule which basically takes the cipher key and performs the key schedule operation to determine the number of round keys necessary to encrypt the data. The number of round keys necessary to encrypt one block of information is related to the key length. In this example we are using a 128 bits key; therefore it will require in total 11 round keys, 1 for the initial round, 9 for standard rounds and 1 for the final round. After we expand the key, the input data is XORed which is basically the AddRoundKey operation for the initial round, followed by the execution of SubBytes, ShiftRows and MixCulumns operations. Note that these 3 operations will be executed only for the first 9 main rounds and when we reach the 10th round we exclude the MixColumns operation as described on previous posts.

Now let’s take a look of how to implement AES in C, if you are going to copy this code make sure you download Malbrain's implementation and reference it from your application.

// --------------------------------------
//File name that contains the data to be encrypted
static const char *filename = "input.txt";

// --------------------------------------
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

// --------------------------------------
// Amount of encryption tasks to perform
#define ITERATIONS 1

// AES Block size is 128 bits or 16 Bytes
#define AES_BLOCK_SIZE 16

// Amount of columns in the state. AES defines always 4 because it
//always encrypts 128 bit blocks. However, Rijndael can define more

// Amount of AES rounds to execute depending on the key length
#define ROUNDS 10

// 1024 Bytes is the default start value when checking throughputs
#define START_VALUE 1024

//Assert used to compare encryption outputs against NIST Test Vectors
#define assert(x) if(!(x)){
printf ("\nGeneric assert " #x " has thrown an error\n");

double cpuEncrypt(char* in, int in_len, char* key, char* out)
int i;
unsigned char expkey[4 * STATE_COLUMNS * (ROUNDS + 1)];
clock_t start, end;

//Expand the key and store in key
ExpandKey (key, expkey);

start = clock();

for ( i = 0; i < in_len; i+=16 )
Encrypt( in+i, expkey, out+i );

end = clock();

return (end-start) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

static void test_vectors()
int i = 0;
//NIST Test Vectors AES 128
//The following link contains the test vectors used below to guarantee
//that the functionality of the algorithm hast not been modified
unsigned char testPlainText[] = {0x50, 0x68, 0x12, 0xA4, 0x5F, 0x08,
0xC8, 0x89, 0xB9, 0x7F, 0x59, 0x80, 0x03, 0x8B, 0x83, 0x59};
unsigned char testKeyText[] = {0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x05, 0x06,
0x07, 0x08, 0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0C, 0x0D, 0x0F, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12};
unsigned char testCipherText[] = {0xD8, 0xF5, 0x32, 0x53, 0x82, 0x89,
0xEF, 0x7D, 0x06, 0xB5, 0x06, 0xA4, 0xFD, 0x5B, 0xE9, 0xC9};

unsigned char out[16] = {0x0};

//Display plaintext to the user
printf("\n PlaintText: ");
for ( i = 0; i < AES_BLOCK_SIZE; i++)
printf("%x", testPlainText[i]);

//Display key to the user
printf("\ Key: ");
for ( i = 0; i < AES_BLOCK_SIZE; i++)
printf("%x", testKeyText[i]);

//Display ciphertext to the user
printf("\ CipherText: ");
for ( i = 0; i < AES_BLOCK_SIZE; i++)
printf("%x", testCipherText[i]);

// Test encryption with OpenSSL
cpuEncrypt (testPlainText, sizeof(testPlainText), testKeyText, out);

//Display encrypted data
printf("\n CPU Encryption: ");
for (i = 0; i < AES_BLOCK_SIZE; i++)
printf("%x", out[i]);

//Assert that the encrypted output is the same as the
//NIST testCipherText vector
assert (memcmp (out, testCipherText, 16) == 0);

static double check_throughtputs ()
//Determines the amount of data to encrypt
int i, size;
size_t bytes_read;
double timer;

//Pointer to the file were the data to be process is located
FILE *file_input;

//Pointer to the input buffer, will hold the data read from the file
char *input_data;

//Pointer to the output buffer which will hold the encrypted data
char *output_data;
int fileSize;

//AES 128 Bit Key
unsigned char ckey[] = {0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x05,
0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0C, 0x0D, 0x0F, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12};

// Read the file into memory
file_input = fopen (filename, "rb");
fseek(file_input, 0, SEEK_END);
fileSize = ftell(file_input);
fseek(file_input, 0, SEEK_SET);

//Allocate memory for the inputa and output
//data depending on the file size
input_data = (char*)calloc (fileSize, sizeof(char));
output_data = (char*)calloc (fileSize, sizeof(char));

// It is important to know that the last 128 bit block
// to be encrypted can contain less than 128 bits to a
// for this test purpose input lenght is always aligned
// multiple of AES block size otherwise padding has to be implemented
bytes_read = fread (input_data, sizeof(char), fileSize, file_input);
fclose (file_input);
bytes_read = (int)(ceil (bytes_read / 16.0) * 16);

printf("\n%16s%16s%20s\n", "Total KB", "Seconds", "Throughput Mbps");

//Increment the data size to be encrpted by 2 starting with until
//the end of the file is reached
for ( size = START_VALUE; size <= fileSize ; size *= 2 )
timer = 0.0;
for ( i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; ++i ){
timer += cpuEncrypt (input_data, size, ckey, output_data);

printf ("%16i%16.3f%16.3f\n", size/1024, timer,
(size*8.0/(1024*1024))/ timer);

printf ("\t\n--------------------------------------------------\n");

//Free resources
free (input_data);
free (output_data);

return timer;

static void run_cipher(){
printf ("\nAES 128 Bit key");
printf ("\t\nNIST Test Vectors: ");
printf ("\t\n--------------------------------------------------");
printf ("\n Test status: Passed\n");

printf ("\t\nAES on CPU Throughputs: ");
printf ("\t\n--------------------------------------------------");

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
return 0;
First, we execute a correctness test, it is performed to ensure that the algorithm’s functionality was not altered. This test takes a known plaintext and key, and gives back a known cipher text taken from the test vectors provided by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). After correctness is verified, the a 256MB file is loaded, the encryption takes place and the performance is evaluated. Remember that to be able to encrypt undetermined file sizes, it is necessary to split the data into 128 bit chunks so the data can be processed; this happens in the cpuEncryptmethod. For a better understanding, we encrypt different amount of data; starting with 1KB and duplicating the amount per iteration until the whole size of the file is reached 262144KB (256MB). Each iteration prints the time it takes to process its respective amount of data so we can have an overview of how heavy the operation executing might be. The following picture shows the results obtained when running the application:

Throughputs obtained when encrypting a 256MB file on AES-B [click to enlarge]

As it can be seen, the encryption test outputs the expected cipher text proposed by NIST, so we can be sure that the algorithm’s functionality is correct. The output shows a linear behavior, executing in average 45Mbps; this is due to the intensive computation the processor has to go through to encrypt the data. Remember this algorithm does not make heavy usage of pre-calculated look up tables to skip arithmetic, so nearly every single value required through the AES process has to be calculated, hence consuming all the CPU resources and eventually creating a bottleneck that won’t let the CPU process at a faster rate.

Typically applications that require encryption/decryption processing need a lot of computing power and processes can take hours to complete, slow down applications or require databases to be offline, and many times this is unacceptable for 24x7 high available systems. In that way encryption/decryption processes must be done as fast as possible to avoid unwanted downtimes. OpenSSL is a cryptographic framework which provides different cipher implementations, among them AES. OpenSSL implements and improved version of the AES algorithm which relies on pre-calculated look up tables to skip arithmetic and relief sthe processor of many of its intensive operations improving considerably the performance obtained when encrypting/decrypting data. In future posts I will be showing how to encrypt using the AES algorithm implemented on AES, as well as comparing the throughputs achieved when using this library.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


The term agile software development is an oft used buzz-word, but the main idea behind this term is that we expect changes in requirements through-out the development cycle and should anticipate these changes by developing in a way that allows us to respond quickly to changing requirements and conditions. One of the most popular agile development methodologies is Scrum, which is widely recognized as a leading agile software methodology. I have been reading different sources of information and I have found some times they over explain what Scrum is with long boring and sometimes confusing articles. The idea of this post is to point you with resources which describe Scrum in a nice way, so hopefully you don´t have to go through all these endless amount of boring articles with confusing terms when you just want to know what Scrum is in a nut-shell.

Scrum is an iterative, incremental methodology for project management, designed to keep software teams responsive to changing requirements, and to prevent projects and developers becoming stale. Scrum has become popular because it tackles well one of the main constant in software development, and that is: Changes. Let´s look at some problems that a software company often experiences when not using an agile development method.

Typically a new product is due to be released at a particular date to meet customer´s needs. During the process of developing this software the company might adopt the classic waterfall which comprises a series of steps: gather requirements, make the design, implement , test , release and maintain.
This approach has several drawbacks among them:
  • it is not responsive to changing requirements which we know in reailty will come.
  • the customer is not presented with small incremental samples of the end product which would help ensure him and us that we are proceeding in the right direction
  • Important - we have nothing to show or to sell until the entire product is assembled, debugged and presented to the user who is then hopefully happy with it.
  • it is almost impossible to accurately esimate how long this entire development process will take. Most companies think of a number and double it - hardly a scientific approach..
  • the development team can become stale and demotivated in the middle/end of a long development cycle.
On the other hand Scrum offers an alternative more agile approach to coupe with these problems. The main idea behind Scrum is that it encourages a development team to remain agile by adopting short development cycles called sprints. At the end of the sprint the tasks for that sprint must be of a releasable quality, so that in the ideal case, a subset of the final product can be presented to the customer for their immediate feedback.

If you are interested to find an overview of what Scrum is about without going through boring tutorials I really recommend watching this video to get to know more about Scrum; I found it on youtube and describes what Scrum is in a very nice and easy to understand way:

As you saw on the video there are a few pieces of scrum terminology that are necessary to know before working with it. If you want to have a handy source of information about this terms then I recommend you to print this scrum cheat sheet and put it close to your desk and take a peek to the following site